I awoke this morning to find this question in my inbox – my response will follow:
Q. I only email my list when I have something important to say – which is usually once a month. But I see my competitors emailing more often, like weekly or a couple times a week. Won’t people unsubscribe if I send an email every week?
A. Do you drop your Netflix subscription because your favourite show is on every week (or every night)? Do you stop turning the radio on in your car because the same station – with the same announces – are on every day?
Remember this: The more you contact your list the more you sell.
I hear people say, “My customers know where to find me” and “They know what I sell, I don’t need to remind them all the time”.
WRONG! You need to remind them.
People are busy.
You may think they’ll remember you.
They won’t.
Your customers have got too much going on in their lives to remember you and what you sell. The only people they remember are those who contact them on a regular basis – and this includes family and their closest friends.
Even worse …
Waiting for people to come to you is like expecting veggies to grow in your garden without planting seeds.
Or like hoping to get fit without exercise.
Or like fishing without a net or line or bucket to catch the fish.
Your email is your link to your customers.
And, when done right, email is THE best way to sell more products or services.
In fact, the researchers at the Direct Marketing Association found “segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of all online revenue.”
There’s other reasons why you should email more frequently.
But if you’re like most people … you’re so busy doing everything else in your business that you don’t have time to write good sales-generating emails to your subscribers.
Or you have time but don’t know what to write.
If that’s the case, reply to this email and let’s talk about how I can help you.
I can either write a series of emails for you every month … or coach you on writing your own emails.
Either way, if you’re ready to talk, hit ‘reply’ to this email.
If you’re reading this on the web, and you’re not a subscriber to my twice-weekly email newsletter, subscribe below – I only work with subscribers.