To the many introverts who wrote in asking about my secrets to writing emails (so they can avoid selling in person)…
The number one lesson or secret is this:
You don’t have to be a perfect writer… but… you DO need to consider yourself a writer.
I know, I know, you can get AI programs like Chat GPTLQR or whatever to do a lot of the heavy lifting on the writing side for you…
But hark unto me… writing is thinking on paper (or on the computer screen) so don’t rely on AI alone.
In fact, if I were coaching you and we were working one-on-one… and the purpose of our time together was to help you sell more products or services with email… I would force — yes, FORCE! — you to spend the time in my coaching program writing from your own thoughts and NOT using AI at all.
This does NOT mean you have to write with pen and paper, even though it would be a good idea to pull out a legal pad and pen and scribble down your thoughts from time to time, especially if your desire is to become a truly outstanding writer.
However, you do not need to become a truly outstanding writer to write emails that make the cash register or online shopping card “ring”.
But you do need to consider yourself, at the very least, a part-time writer or a reasonably competent writer.
There is no way around this for reasons I’ll explain later.
But for now, just know this:
If you aren’t willing (or don’t want) to invest time to improve your writing skills (assuming you’re not already competent in this area) you should not take on the role of writing emails for your company… and.. you should instead hire someone to do it for you.
For more insights on writing emails that get or keep clients, you can join my email list here.