The 12 words that increase email ROI

Q. Mike, I’m hearing a lot of talk about email marketing. For example, I’m told email marketing delivers $30 or more for every dollar spent. Is that true? Or just a bunch of hype from marketers and agencies trying to flog their products or services?


A. Hey Brian, you’re right. There’s alotta crazy talk about email marketing on the web right now.

It’s a hot topic.

And for good reason —

Email marketing is outperforming all other digital channels by at least 3 to 1. And in some cases, yes, it’s even returning $30 to every dollar invested.

But to say everyone who spends time and money on email marketing will get back $30 for every dollar they put in… is an exaggeration.

And creates a false expectation.

The truth is your numbers will be unique to you and your situation.

Your results could actually outperform the average.

So don’t limit yourself by what others say.

And don’t get disappointed if your results don’t live up to a standard set by someone else.

Speaking of standards…

Here’s something you CAN do to give yourself the best possible shot at email marketing success:

It’s really simple.

All you have to do is act on this 12 word sentence that improves your email marketing return on investment:

“Send the right message with the right offer to the right audience.”

If you line those three things up — message, offer, audience — you’ll have an unfailing formula for success.

But get even one of those elements wrong… and your email marketing will fall flat.

Remember: Start with your audience. Make sure your email messages are on point. Then make offers they can’t refuse.

Focus on that and the numbers will take care of themselves.

Hope this helps.


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