As the old saying goes:
“He who communicates the most has the most influence”.
I don’t know who to attribute that quote to. I first heard it in church of all places. And I know the speaker didn’t originate the quote because she said she was quoting someone else. But that was a long time ago – probably 5 years ago or more.
Besides, the “who” doesn’t matter.
The “what” is what matters.
And that is:
Sending an email newsletter to your list each week is a great way to stay in touch and deepen the relationship your subscribers have with you.
Need more convincing?
How about this:
If you run a business of any kind, then, other people are competing for your customers money. And, who do you think your customers are more likely to buy from? A stranger they know nothing about … or … you, who communicates with them weekly, fortnightly or monthly?
Assuming your product or service fulfills a need they want to fill or solves a problem they want to solve the answer is obvious.
Even better:
When you send a frequent email newsletter people start buying things they didn’t know they needed. They buy because your email newsletter influences them to buy.
Still not convinced?
Maybe there’s no hope for you.
Or maybe you should subscribe to my email newsletter to learn how to create a flourishing (and profitable) email newsletter of your own …
Subscribe to my email newsletter and I’ll send you short lessons and ideas (1 or 2 times a week) to help you succeed with email marketing: