For many months now I’ve deliberated over the idea of possibly abandoning (like a dog getting rid of the runt in her litter) the Email Service Provider (ESP) I’ve been using to send emails. If you’re not sure what an ESP is, it’s a platform like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Klaviyo or Hubspot that you use to […]
Category: Email Newsletter
Should you subscribe to my email list?
Hey, I’m Michael Low. I’m an independent writer and copywriter. Before you even consider engaging me to write your landing pages, sales pages, sales funnels, or email campaigns… you should jump on my email list to get a feel for how my writing can increase your sales: You can subscribe here: About me: My specialty […]
When to segment your email list and when not to
I grew up on a farm. In a Christian family. So segmenting or separating sheep from goats and wheat from chaff was an easy concept for me to understand. So when I began working with a small creative training company back in the late 2000’s the first thing I did was set up an entry […]
Our email open rates almost doubled – here’s why
I once advised a client to resend (with a different subject line) emails to people who don’t open an email within 48 hours of receiving it. At first he hesitated. And I wasn’t sure why. So I asked him: “Why the hesitation when most email sending programs have a link you can press for this […]
The Case Against Weekly Emails
I awoke this morning to find this question in my inbox – my response will follow: Q. I only email my list when I have something important to say – which is usually once a month. But I see my competitors emailing more often, like weekly or a couple times a week. Won’t people unsubscribe […]
The un-stupid way to get your emails opened
A subscriber recently wrote to ask: Hi Michael, I read most of your emails. You seem to have a knack for getting my attention each time your emails land in my inbox. Here’s my question: How do I get more subscribers reading MY emails? – Jeremy ME: Hi Jeremy, that’s a great question, one I […]
How to get your subscribers to open (and read) your emails
(Lessons from the magazine stand.) It’s frustrating. You spend hours thinking about and writing a brilliant email newsletter to your subscribers and only 10% open your emails. Even less read them. And only a small handful buy the products or services you’re promoting. What gives? And how can you get more people reading on a […]
3 Free email pitch templates you can send to your list without upsetting anyone (you might even make a few sales)
One of the biggest fears my clients face when writing emails to their list is the fear of saying the wrong thing. “What if I upset someone and they unsubscribe?” And I get it. I truly do. The good news is, when you understand why people subscribe to your email newsletter, the fear goes away, […]
Recommended: Newsletter Ninja by Tammi Labreque

Newsletter NinjaTammi Labreque Tammi is entertaining to say the least. I picked up her book because it’s highly regarded within book author circles. Many credit this book (and the workshop Tammi teaches on the same topic) as the key to their book publishing success and the launch pad that rocketed their self-publishing career to new […]
Why you should send more emails to your list
Sending an email newsletter is the most efficient way to stay in touch with the people who buy from you or want to know more about what you do. An email newsletter is also a great way to sell more of your products or services to prospects, past customers or the people they know. (People […]