For many months now I’ve deliberated over the idea of possibly abandoning (like a dog getting rid of the runt in her litter) the Email Service Provider (ESP) I’ve been using to send emails. If you’re not sure what an ESP is, it’s a platform like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Klaviyo or Hubspot that you use to […]
an almost ‘sneaky’ (but highly effective) way to engineer referrals or word of mouth into your business
For many years now I’ve been a fan of an author in the marketing space. I bought and meticulously studied over a dozen of his books. But there was one particular book I passed over time and time again. There was just something that turned me off. So I never pulled the trigger and made […]
3 quick ways I can help your business grow in 2024
I can help you get more sales from your Facebook ads If you run Facebook ads… and want lower lead costs… increased lead flow… and more sales… my Facebook ad writing service can help. In a nut shell, I write the text for your Facebook ads… and I can write the text (or script) for […]
#1 Introvert friendly secret for using email to sell your ideas
To the many introverts who wrote in asking about my secrets to writing emails (so they can avoid selling in person)… The number one lesson or secret is this: You don’t have to be a perfect writer… but… you DO need to consider yourself a writer to write great emails that sell. I know, I […]
The sheer drudgery of work… and why you should work from home
One of the cool things about working from home is… You can get up from your desk or workstation anytime you like and take a walk. For anyone with ADHD you know how important this is. Being tied to a desk, under the watchful eye of a manager, or being “on the clock” is sheer […]
Should you subscribe to my email list?
Hey, I’m Michael Low. I’m an independent writer and copywriter. Before you even consider engaging me to write your landing pages, sales pages, sales funnels, or email campaigns… you should jump on my email list to get a feel for how my writing can increase your sales: You can subscribe here: About me: My specialty […]
how to use advertising to solve problems
At the Macworld expo in 1999, Steve Jobs gave a great example of using advertising to solve problems. He said: Well, I gotta tell you – we don’t do it because it goes down well or not. We have a problem, and our problem was that people had forgotten what Apple stands for. As a […]
What the banks really think about your mortgage rate increase
To other news, interest rate hikes are working out pretty well for the banks… According to On Wednesday, the nation’s largest bank announced its largest ever cash profit of $10.2 billion in 2022-23, with the 6 per cent increase driven by expanding profit margins after soaring interest rates pushed the bank to hike variable […]
This Strange habit makes your emails stronger…
I have a strange habit… Every day I read what’s in my inbox… looking for lessons I can use to make my emails stronger… Here are the 7 lessons I learned from reading emails on the 4th of this month: Can you introduce news that concerns the reader? Does your subject line have an element […]
Write better marketing emails
If it’s your job to write marketing emails… I know 2 things about you: 1) there are days when you struggle to come up with ideas to write about. And… 2) when you have something to write about, you’re often unsure how to express it. If that sounds like you… There’s a simple solution. Stop […]