Fearless writing

Do you have a fear of writing? Or a sense of self-consciousness about what you write?

Do you write like a person with a stutter, constantly worried about how your message sounds?

Are you feeling self-conscious about what you’re writing because you don’t have a lot of writing experience?

Do you feel like a fraud sitting behind a computer pretending to be a writer, secretly hoping no one will notice that you don’t know what you’re doing?

One way to overcome these feelings when you write is to forget about yourself and write fearlessly.

Write like you’re being chased by the cops and need to get your words down fast.

Or like you’re running into a tsunami with a surfboard.

Write with reckless abandon. You can always edit later.

Write what’s on your mind, no matter what people may think.

And write to someone.

Don’t write to yourself and send it to subscribers.

Write to a person.

Write like they’re asleep in a burning building and it’s your job to wake them up. Shake them around a bit. Get them moving.

Write like their life depends on it, not yours.

Think only of them.

It’s not about you.

That’s how you write fearlessly.

That’s how you write emails that compel people to act.

That’s how you write emails that get attention, that stick in people’s brains.

That’s how you stand out in a crowded inbox.

And it’s how you get subscribers to look for your email first when they open their inbox.

Write fearlessly.

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The 2 Most Important Words In Marketing

There are thousands of important words (or phrases) in marketing like list building, targeting, demographics, psycho-graphics, offers, PPC, content marketing, credibility, emotion, needs, wants, desires and so on.

The list is practically endless and could fill 100 books.

But there are two words that help you understand more about marketing (and how to do it) than any other words or phrases.

Why are these words important?

Because they describe the mechanics of marketing and put into fresh perspective what to do in any medium or media to get results.

In short, they simplify your job as a marketer and make your life easier.

The first word is … sequence.

The Greek mathematician, Archimedes is credited for saying “Give me a place to stand and with a lever long enough I will move the whole world”.

In marketing terms this can translate to, “give me the contact details of all the people with the types of problems I solve, and let me send them a sequence of messages and I’ll convert a high percentage into customers”.

There’s power in sequence.

For example, 12 emails, with a carefully planned message, sent over a 3-4 week period will have greater impact than a single email.

Think about your best relationships.

You may have hit it off the first time you met, but the relationship was built over time, in a sequence of events that built the relationship to what it is today.

And your relationship will be sustained by a future sequence of events, starting today.

It’s a sequence of events, not a single event, that shapes our view of the world and the people in it.

So when you think of marketing in terms of a sequence you have the power to shape people’s views of you, your company, and your products and services.

The second most important word in marketing is … integration.

Integration — in marketing terms — means using multiple mediums or channels in your message sequence simultaneously.

For example, if you discover your best prospects are Accountants, why limit yourself to just sending DMs to Accountants on LinkedIn? Why not create a list of Accountants and send messages on LinkedIn, email, direct mail, phone calls, and personal visits in a carefully planned, integrated sequence of communication?

I’m sure if you think about it you can come up with many more mediums to integrate into this approach.

For example, what about re-targeting ads on Facebook and Google?

What about an endorsed mailing from clients you’ve already worked with who may be in your prospect’s circle of influence?

Anyway, a sequentially integrated approach will have far greater impact (and results) than simply running an ad on Facebook or sending a single email.

How are you using sequence and integration in your marketing?

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Make As Much As 6-Times More Profit With Email Marketing Today

You’re not the first business owner to struggle with email marketing.

And your biggest sticking point — the thing that holds you back — is not your ability to write, but your over-eagerness to say the right thing.

In fact, the fear of saying the wrong thing creates a block in your creative thinking.

And this block, stops you sending enough emails, or the quality of emails that can bring you more sales and make your business as much at 6X more profitable.

I know a 6X improvement can seem unimaginable.

But think about it, whose more likely to buy from you? Someone whose never heard of you or someone on your email list, who knows you, likes you and perhaps has bought from you in the past.

Studies (confirmed over more than 3 decades) show that people who buy from you (your existing clients, patients or customers) are 6X more likely to buy again than a cold prospect whose never done business with you before.

And email is the fastest, most convenient, most cost effective way to reach these clients to induce them to buy again.

Need more proof that email is powerful?

Consider this: According to the researchers at the Direct Marketing Association, “segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of all online revenue.”

Is over half your online revenue coming from email?

If not, you’re sitting on a gold-mine opportunity. And all you have to do to cash-in is start using email marketing more effectively.

Need help?

I can write your next marketing email for free.

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